Monday, January 14, 2008


Free Image Hosting

I was pleasantly surprised when I stumbled upon rssHugger.Basically it is a blog directory that makes intelligent use of RSS and SEO .rssHugger presents a win-win situation for blog owners and blog visitors.The rsshugger increases the visibilty of your blog and at the same time it helps the visitors to get hold of new blogs on the topics of their interest , easily and if interested , subscribe to these blogs.
On the rsssHugger homepage you have "top100" rss feeds.If you get listed in that top100 it will further increase the visibility of your blog .It is one of the best features of rsshugger. Two other features "Random blog"(never seen it on any other rss directory) and "new RSS feeds" also boost the blog visibility .

you can register with rssHugger here

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